Referrals are great, but you need more

Many HVAC pros I speak with tell me: “Jason, I don’t need to spend money on marketing or advertising. All my business comes from referrals.”

I tell them that’s great, but if you really want to grow your business you need to have multiple lead sources.

Start with a great website. Referrals will Google you. This helps reinforce that you are a trustworthy business. Also a great website saves you time. A lot of general questions can be answered there.

Use all the features of Google My Business. It’s free and just by filling out all the fields with some care will help.

Then look at outbound marketing opportunities. Facebook advertising is a relatively low-cost way to get eyeballs on your business. But don’t try to do it yourself. Hire an experts so that you spend money reaching the right people.

Want to learn more? Read the article “Marketing is a Mindset.”

Li Wang